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There is an increasing need to maintain and improve hygiene standards and reduce fire hazards within kitchens. The baffle grease filter accomplishes both needs through its clever design of interlocking baffles that provide a tortuous route for the passage of air through the filter by creating two rapid 180° air direction changes simultaneously. The grease molecules having a far greater inertial force than air, impact themselves on the vanes. A series of vertical Stainless Steel vanes are housed in a channel frame, with each of the baffles strategically aligned to provide the highest potential for grease removal. Due to the smooth nature of the vanes the grease naturally runs downwards, through the drainage holes and into the collecting trays normally provided within the canopy holding casings.

針對廚房的衛生標準和安全意識的要求不斷提高. 檔風板隔油網巧妙的設計同時滿足這兩項需求, 環環相扣的檔板提供迂迴的通道, 透過建立出兩個同時將空氣快速180° 方向改變, 讓空氣進行過濾. 油分子擁有比空氣大很多的慣性力,在扇葉互相碰撞. 一組垂直的不锈鋼扇葉安置在通道框架上, 每一個檔板對齊以提供最佳除油效能. 由於扇葉光滑的性質, 油自然地向下走, 經過排放孔進入收集盤, 收集盤一般配備在風蓋固定箱內.

针对厨房的卫生标准和安全意识的要求不断提高。档风板隔油网巧妙的设计同时满足这两项需求,环环相扣的档板提供迂回的通道,透过建立出两个同时将空气快速180度方向改变,让空气进行过滤。油分子拥有比空气大很多的惯性力,在扇叶互相碰撞。 一组垂直的不锈钢扇叶安置在通道框架上,每一个档板对齐以提供最佳除油效能。由于扇叶光滑的性质,油自然地向下走,经过排放孔进入收集盘,收集盘一般配备在风盖固定箱内。

Stainless Steel Mirror Finish Baffle Filter

PriceFrom £34.95
Excluding VAT